WDCB Customer Luggage
WDCB Customer Luggage
Luggage, including all personal belongings, is carried on the Winslow & District Community Bus (WDCB) at the sole discretion of the Driver.
WDCB accepts no liability for loss or damage to any items of luggage carried.
WDCB will not permit carriage of any items of luggage that could endanger safe passage of our vehicle or the safety of our drivers, passengers, other road users or pedestrians, and shall have no obligation to accept any.
Items which are specifically excluded from carriage include:
Rechargeable batteries (other than those inside personal devices or which are in their original retail packaging)
Weapons of any kind
Paint in unsealed containers or plastic containers exceeding 5 Litres
Combustible or otherwise hazardous materials such as Petrol
Gas containers
Animals – other than trained Guide dogs
WDCB reserves the right to inspect to inspect any items of luggage prior to boarding.
If you are refused travel due to any of the above circumstances, WDCB cannot accept liability for subsequent loss, damage, injury inconvenience or cost that may be suffered as a result.